As we all know the importance of yoga in daily life for wellness. Yoga is a game for children, passion for youth, medicine for diseases, boon for older and the most important is the way to live our life. As honorable prime minister of India Sh. Narender Modi says we are using this holy body but without reading user manual that’s why we are getting obstacles like negativity, stress, poor health so on…….
According to yoga the cause for back pain can be classified under two headings i.e. Adhija (stressborn) and Anadhija (non-stress born). Adhija causes are those that are born out of mental stresses of any form. This probably corresponds to the functional category. The Anadhija causes are those in which the disease is not due to only mental stress but there could be an outside cause. Injuries, infections and toxins that could be responsible for back pain are classified in this category. Let us know go through one of the major problem is slipped disc.
Slipped discs
Most people have heard of a “slipped discs” but it is rather inaccurate name because discs cannot actually slip. They can wear out, split or burst. What happens is that, after some physical strain on the spin- often involving bending, twisting, or lifting, the disc bursts or prolapses and the jelly like central nucleus is squeezed out through a split in the outer annulus.
We now believe that most discs that prolapse in this way previously had some wear and tear changes and that the stress on the spin then triggered the problem. The particular stress probably just acted as the ‘final straw’. The jelly-like material, having been squeezed out, presses on the nerve running next to the disc, causing severe pain in the back that spread down the leg (sciatica pain) and sometime as far as foot. The acute excruciating pain at the site of disc prolapse is also due to local inflammation and muscle spasm – the natural response of the body to any form of injury anywhere. The pain caused by a burst can be very severe. Usually the symptoms will slowly get better and majority of cases the pan disappears completely.
Disc problem in the neck
Disc can also prolapse in neck, although this is less common than the lower back. The neck is extremely stiff and pain may shoot down one arm. Strength, sensation and reflexes in the arm may be lost.
Yogic management of slipped discs (low back pain)
Now we are going for yogic management of back pain, as we know that yoga is totally based on presence of mind. You should aware each and every movement of our body. You have to see that by witch action or movement of our body the pain or discomfort get triggered then avoid it. Now next action comes that is asanas and different exercises to relive backache. This ancient traditional practice, unlike other strenuous exercises, is best not only for your physical pain, but also for the perception of pain and mental health. The use of various postures incorporated various muscles, which in turn strengthen these muscle groups giving it the bones the strength to be alive. Most of the postures strengthen our back muscles, helping the spinal cord to maintain the upright position without giving much stress. If spines relieve stress, you relieve your stress muscles which results the birth of healthy muscles, releasing you from the grabs of back pain. A healthy spine and a painless life would be the dream of almost all. So let’s dive in to 10 types of yoga for back pain, to make your life ease.
The 5 Combinations Are..
1. Combination of Ardha-Salabhasana (modified in standing) and Trikonasana at chair
2. Combination of Hasta-Utthanasana-Padahasatasana and Kati-Chakarasana on the chair
3. Combination of Markatasana and Padasanchalanasana
4. Combination of Pawanmuktasana and Setubandasana
5. Combination of Bhujangasana and Ardha-Salabhasana
Combination 1:
Ardha-Salabhasana (modified in standing)
1. We stand facing towards the wall and place our hands on it at shoulder level.
2. While inhale kick your right leg and while exhale bring it back.
3. Repeat it with left leg. This is one round, repeat for 15 rounds
Trikonasana on chair
1. Sit on the chair with straight back, raise your both hands at shoulder level.
2. Now inhale and while exhale bending right as much as you can without straining too much then inhale center.
3. Do it same with other side this is one round. Repeat it for 15 rounds.
Note: Do Pose-1, 15 times then do Pose-2 15 times & then repeat the process thrice. (you can start with 10 times as a beginner)
Combination 2:
Hasta-Utthanasana-Padahasatasana on chair
1. Sit on chair with straight back slightly forward on the chair.
2. While inhale raise your both hands and bend backward then while exhale bend forward.
3. This is one round, repeat it for 10 rounds
Kati-Chakarasana on the chair
1. With the same position of siting, raise your hands in front of your trunk at shoulder level.
2. Inhale and while exhale twist towards right and catch hold the chair with the help of your hands try to twist with little force.
3. Do it with other side, this is one round. Repeat it 10 times
Note: Do Pose-1, 15 times then do Pose-2 15 times & then repeat the process thrice. (you can start with 10 times as a beginner)
Combination 3:
Markatasana (folded leg lumber stretch)
1. Lie down on your back with legs together and hands spread sideways at shoulder level.
2. Palms are placed firmly pressed on ground.
3. Fold the both leg at the knee. Inhale.
4. While exhaling slowly move the knees to the right side towards the floor, as far as comfortable and simultaneously turn the head to the left as far as you can.
5. Then inhaling, raise the knees up and turn the head back to the center.
6. Now, while exhaling move the knees to the left towards the floor and simultaneously turn the head to the right.
7. While inhaling bring back the knees and the head to the starting position (i.e. to the center). This is one round, Repeat ten rounds.
Padasanchalanasana (single leg)
1. Lie down one your back with straight legs.
2. First while inhale raise your right leg make a cyclic rotation keep that leg on the ground then do this with left leg.
3. This is one round, repeat it for ten rounds.
Note: Do Pose-1, 15 times then do Pose-2 15 times & then repeat the process thrice. (you can start with 10 times as a beginner)
Combination 4:
1. While inhaling slowly raise the right leg up to 90° without bending the knee.
2. While exhaling bend the knee, pull it towards the chest with the hands (fingers interlocked) and simultaneously raise the head trying to touch the knee with the forehead.
3. Maintain for a while feeling the stretch of the back muscles.
4. Then, take the head to the ground.
5. Inhale stretch up the right leg to 90°.
6. While exhaling lower the right leg to the floor.
7. Repeat the same with the left leg.
8. This is one round. Repeat 10 rounds
1. Lie supine with your legs together and hands by the side of. the body.
2. Fold both the legs placing the heels on the ground near to the buttocks
3. While inhaling raise the buttocks and the trunk up as far as you can.
4. While exhaling slowly lower them down to the floor. This is one round. Repeat ten rounds.
Note: Do Pose-1, 15 times then do Pose-2 15 times & then repeat the process thrice. (you can start with 10 times as a beginner)
Combination 5:
1. Place the palms in line with forehead.
2. While inhaling raise the head and trunk up to the navel with minimum support of the palms.
3. While exhaling slowly bring the trunk and head back to starting position.
4. This is one round. Repeat ten rounds.
1. Lie down on your abdomen, legs together, hands stretched out over the head and chin on the floor.
2. Make fists of your palms with the thumb tucked inside and place them underneath the thighs.
3. While inhaling raise the right leg up as far as comfortable without bending the knee
4. While exhaling return the right leg back on to the floor slowly. Repeat with the left leg in the same way. This is one round, Repeat ten rounds
Note: Do Pose-1, 15 times then do Pose-2 15 times & then repeat the process thrice. (you can start with 10 times as a beginner)
Blog By: – Mandeep Lohan
MSC in Yog science
Yog Trainer At Hisar Yogshala
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